
Spanning the globe with frequent and once in a while readers. I am interested in collecting, propagating plants, landscape management practices, ecology, environment, flora/fauna, in essence Nature. This blog is written in a blunt, abrasive fashion with consistent critical views on these subjects and others that may be related...or not.

sábado, 26 de diciembre de 2009


WHEN I WAS a young lad of twelve, I used to sympathize with those poor
souls caught in two waters, the Palestinians. Yaser Arafat was one among my characters of admiration, along with Castro and that marketing icon Che Guevara. I knew about Bader Meinhoff or whatever, those in Japan really oddballs, with some political agenda.

As I get closer to my six decade, I
want to end 2009 with some imaginary fireworks, please bear up with
me. I you are one of those puercoricans wrapped in the flag what I will write now may/may not offend you...But ask me if I care.....haja bilingual laugh..

Even though there are no fans of yours truly in these countries, I reiterate my congratulations for their rejection of MINARETS!
Screw them and you if you are one of those academicians like minded
fellows thinking in universal principles of utopia, I do not. The minarets and those medieval followers of that religion causing all the significant wars on earth now/the recent past/and the future.

DURING 9/11 I was a state certified simultaneous interpreter/sight translator for the state of New York, the whole trip took place before
I had climbed up the stairs in the Canal St. station to go to work at
111 Centre St, in Manhattan. I left the city a year later, returning to
this piece of shit island, where somehow imagination died and everyone
is into some scam to rob the USA, or writing comments defending the culprits.

There is no place for Islam zealots in our Western Cultures. Think of the amount of those arrested in terrorists acts in England and Spain. The amount of innocent killed in India, Pakistan, Indonesia and Philippines.
This irrational fanatics should stay home or sent home when uncomfortable with western views/civil customs.

That is why I think is time to congratulate those who have placed a stop to this hordes. No minarets in Switzerland! Why emigrant riff raff, legally or
illegally, (I was once an emigrant) should impose upon countries offering 'a better life for their children', accepting/tolerating/protecting them, their medieval, irrational theological views? Screw them and you too if you think differently or think yourself more intelligent/educated
because you believe, still that USA is the devil. Or if even worse, you think I am racist or xenophobic!

SAME FOR FRANCE! NO RAGS on girls' heads in schools! I do not give a damn about religious freedom. That is a bunch of crap, keep your religion
private, in your mother country. Particularly in ANY country giving you asylum. What I observe from too many migrants everywhere is begging
with a shotgun. Screw you and your religion, ANY religion. If you are to
be the devils advocate start a discussion, women in ANY religion.

Long live ISRAEL. When it was created through those really amazing events in 1948, the Palestinians suffered. They lost territory,
and their belongings, what they had, becoming refugees in their own land. But think of it. Historically, the Hebrews had their butts kicked also, unfairly. Think of SPAIN, to name just one of the countries who stole all they had moons ago.

NOW TO PUT AN END to this peculiar post... I declare: ISRAEL is the only antidote to this Islamic bubonic plague of kill and maim.
When pondering without much theoretical frames, the Palestinians and
the Arabs are not really interested in solving the matter. USA is part of
the puzzle, but not the only one.

FINAL WORDS. When the HEBBES IN ISRAEL defended themselves against the blind, blindfolded civilian rocket attacks from HAMAS or
Al Fatah, all the puercorican fools and
the LAME DUCKS BLOG GUILD in Puerto Rico, backed up them Palestinians who can not shoot strait! I DID NOT. Right now, the only spearhead of western values evil/not so against the barbaric Islamic
tide is Israel.

But I do not like all Jews. To be honest, I have an intense dislike of some
hebbes from Brooklyn, NY. Particularly, the ones dressed as penguins.
Saul Below, Isaac Bashevis Singer, Seinfeld, Larry David, pastrami on
rye, corned beef and root beer, are are fine with me. I met quite a few
New York Hebrews finding them agreeable and tolerant. However, I can
not stand Woody Allen, that mentally disturbed freak... But he wrote
something clever moons ago.. Somewhat original: "Masturbation is the best sex, because is sex with the one I love". Nice end, ah? Certainly
odd when considering the first paragraph, but I brought the story home. Time to go...

2 comentarios:

Juanml dijo...

Interesante como siempre, a cada quien le toco algo. Por algun motivo mi proceso fue al reves: en mi primera juventud nunca simpatice con los regimenes comunistas, pero con el paso del tiempo y al adquirir una mejor idea del mundo en general puedo decir que "equilibre" mi pensamiento politico, mas eclectico, viendo lo bueno y malo de cada ideologia, comprendiendo que muchos jovenes de ese entonces abrazaban esas ideologias totalitarias pues era el unico recurso disponible para repartir cierta justicia social en las sociedades de cada uno. Lo lamentable es ver como los mismos problemas persisten y en algunos casos se han agravado mas y ya se perdio el "sueño" de que con tal o cual ideologia se resolveran todos los problemas del mundo. Todavia es peor en paises que funcionalmente son Estados Fallidos, donde las Instituciones son decorativas y las reglas del juego se aplican selectivamente. Bueno ese es el mundo que nos toco, suerte que hemos aprendido a navegar en estas aguas tormentosas. Mis saludos.

Antigonum Cajan dijo...

La simpatia que usted menciona era realmente consecuencia de percibir que algo andaba mal en el mundo, en el caso nuestro Puerco Rico, USA.

Creo que esa percepcion, la inconformidad y actitud critica no la tiene todo el mundo. Desafortunadamente.

Ese suenho murio prematuramente. A mi me parece que TODO es un enganho.

Los padres, maestros, politicos, curas o reverendos mintiendo con que
el futuro seria (sera)mejor.

Que los ninhos son el futuro de las
patrias de mierda que nos toco.

Que hay que preservar el
medioambiente para los hijos y nietos, las proximas 'generaciones'.

Cabrones repitiendo como papagallos
mentiras desde que uno tiene uso de razon. Yo quiero salvar mi porcion de
medioambiente AHORA.
Lo que tiene fastidiado al MUNDO POBRE son estas mentiras ya mencionadas. PROCREANDO sin tener un mendrugo de pan.

Luego ya sabemos, a poner la vida en riesgo emigrando para darle un
(otra vez la misma mierda) un 'futuro mejor', lo que "ellos no uvieron', en fin...a trabajar como esclavos....

Usted ha presentado claramente dentro de su experiencia un proceso
similar. No importa el orden
en que ocurre sino el resultado.

El proceso de aprendizaje me convirtio en un empedernido
cinico, anarkista, esceptico de todo.
Con un gran defecto, aqui no tira el dinero, no vivo con esa obsesion.

Finalmente si uno analiza como se hicieron pedazos aquellos tigueritos
de papel que era el Regimen Sovietico, los Satelites, con los cuales USA tanto miedo nos metia,
para explotar nuestros paises llevandoselo todo democraticamene....se confirma mi
teoria de la mentira total que es
el estado, la familia, la patria y la iglesia...
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