
Spanning the globe with frequent and once in a while readers. I am interested in collecting, propagating plants, landscape management practices, ecology, environment, flora/fauna, in essence Nature. This blog is written in a blunt, abrasive fashion with consistent critical views on these subjects and others that may be related...or not.

martes, 17 de febrero de 2009


APPARENTLY, this blog is the only one with updates of what we plant and propagate in the blogosphere.
It is necessary and pragmatic. If I had to publish photos of the whole collection it will
a looong blog and not really wise, since words occupy much less space. For those interested in the subject, here it is.

Terminalia cattapa, Bauhinia, Frangipani acutifolia, lutea, rubra, Coccoloba uvifera, Carica papaya, Thespesia populnea, Cestrum diurnum, Mangera indica, Pandanus fascicularis, Pithelobium dulce, Tevhetia peruviana, Dipterancanthus prostratus, Brunfelsia pauciflora, Pseudoranthemum carruhtersii.

Murraya paniculata
Turnera, ulmifolia, diffusa, subulata
Cuphea hissofilia
Ochna mossabisensis
Pereskia corrugata
Pseuderanthemun reticulatum
Pedilanthus euphorbiaceae
Barleria repens
Pereskia bleo
Polyscia fruticosa, balfourniana
Dracena marginata, reflexa
Gardenia jasminoides
Euphorbia pulcherrima
Bixa orellana
Tulbaghia violacea

Rosemary, Lipia micromera, Basil, Capsicum, Wild marjoram, Insulin

Cosmos sulpherous, Mirabilis siciliana, Hemerocallis, Oxalis, Portulaca, Allium,
Scadoxus, Cajanus cajan, Crinum, Sanseveria, Costus, Timelia caribea, Catharantus roseus,
Gloriosa rothschildiana, Portulacas, Chrysothemis pulchella, Proiphys amboinensis,
Sanseveria, Aglaomena, Diffembachia, Orchid, Alocasia macrorhiza, Datura stramonium, Nephrolepsis, Zamia and Eucare.

Dwarf ruellia, Asystacia gangetica, Tradescantia, Ipomea prescaprae,
quamoclit, Wedelia trilobata, Zephyrantes grandiflora, Jazminum multiflorum Passiflora, Clitorea terratea, Syngonium, Tulbaghia violacea, Rhoeo spathacea,
Allamanda cathartica.

Now, if you live in the concrete/asphalt isle, do not think for a moment of going to a nursery with botanical names since their owners are in for the money, with little or no
interest in our theme. Or get a picture. Even better search for your needs in the internet. The botanical name will suffice. With it you will find or you need to know about diseases, plant zone, sun/shade/soil/irrigation/propagation issues.

To leave in a critical mode.. I met this fellow from the Sierra Club, a "professor" of biology some time ago. I sent this link with some words about the island epidemic
of tree destruction/mutilation and a tour of mutilated trees I planned to do. The little one who changed his name to Spanish to
appear more chummy, responded: " Sure if it is not going to be just complaints".

I should tell you what my original thoughts were about this jester, blind to all the mutilated trees surrounding him at the University of Puerto Rico, where he 'teaches',
however, discrete, humble as I am, I keep it to myself. Until the next...

8 comentarios:

Queen007 dijo...

Hi,Antigonum Cajam!!

Thanks for visiting my blog. I will be the first one to comment on yours.
But I have to be honest with you, I don't have any knowledge about your field of expertise.
However I trying to learned a little bit about Bonsai, actually I have started with a variety of "ficus"(long leaves I think), but it's my very first time. Could you give some light about "Bonsai for newbies" I will appreciate it.
Thanks again for visiting my blog.
I will visiting yours as much as I can.


Antigonum Cajan dijo...


I am not into Bonsai, any mutilation of vegetation.

But I studied the concept, origins and so on.

It is like having a pet. You will have to water twice a day. Since the pot
is not deep..

Or keep the pot in a recipient with water when unable to water,
the roots will take what they need, by capillary action.

Or better yet, search in internet, under bonsai watering/irrigation.

Good luck, thanks for the visit..

Antigonum Cajan dijo...

I also enjoy your view of our surroundings. We do not have to
agree,since perspective and focus,
depends on light, where are you standing, light, focus and so on...

Exactly as in a film, in terms of photography, what is the intention?

Glad to know that our view of each other blog, goes beyond silly friendship or diplomacy.

Since apparently each one knows
exactly which way we go.

Un abrazo desde la Nueva Quisqueya, una posibilidad que algunos parecera humoristica,pero,
en PUERTO RICO, USA hay un descomunal pocoton de compatriotas suyos...

A mi no me molestaria que Puerto Rico se hiciera provincia de la Espanhola, claro habria que ver
como resolver lo de Haiti.

Karlo dijo...

Gracias por pasar por mi blog humorístico y por tus amables palabras :)

Saludos cordiales

bOcAgRaRia dijo...

Me encanta esots encuentros cibernéticos casuales. Increíblemente, mis mayores amores en la vida lo son la escritura y la naturaleza, aunque por desgracia ( mas bien vagancia mia) no le he prestado mucha atencion a la segunda. Hace unos años trabaje en un sitio de comidas organicas. Allí comprendí la relación que tenemos con la tierra, y me encantó. Lo único, que se me hace difícil en Puerto Rico seguir esos pasos, ¿Algún sitio que me recomiendes? maybe NYC?? no sé, he buscado info. pero nada se me hace real.
Gracias por la visita a mi blog, ay que lo tengo medio drama drama drama jejeje pero ya veremos.
ah, si quieres me puedes escribir a chikifofa@gmail.com

bOcAgRaRia dijo...

espero que te haya llegado mi mensaje,

Antigonum Cajan dijo...

JCarlos para nada me siento invadido. De hecho Santurce,
Nueva Quisqueya es como el Alto Manhattan, dominado por sus compatriotas.

Un lugar maravilloso donde me domincanice bastante, con Fefita,
y otros del ripiao, la bachata de entonces, la comida y sobre todo
la belleza, afabilidad de sus simpaticas feminas, para no detallar mucho. Aki dejo claro
que prefiero siempre a la mujer
de cualquier etnia a sus varones.

Lo de Haiti es por lo feos que son,
no por negros, POR FEOS. Han destruido su pais cortando cuanto
arbolito hay para hacer carbon.

Hay que ayudarles de algun modo
para que disfruten el sexo a menudo pero sin prenhar a las mujeres. A eso me refiero.

Lo de sentirse invadido, lo ha escrito usted.

Aparte de que he escrito sobre el tema de EMIGRANTES somos TODOS, al igual que plantas arboles y demas en entradas antiguas.

Asi que todo aclarado...

Antigonum Cajan dijo...


Como Hostos,Betances, Albizu creo
algo sobre la necesidad
de aunar esfuerzo entre las

TODAS! Hasta la proxima!